David (& Morton) Goldberg
Brief Historical Background (late 80's to mid 90's):
David Goldberg's father, Morton, was an auctioneer in the late 80's and early 90's who encountered some problems. Consequently, though the losses were substantially less than losses associated with auctioneer Ken Buhler a decade later, the key difference was that, when Goldberg was licensed the LALB had an internal fund for compensating victims. Though the amount of those losses is unknown, some auctioneers relayed that Mr. (Martin) Goldberg may have cost that fund up to $40,000.
Soon after the (Morton) Goldberg fund losses, the LALB made a decision to revert back to requiring auctioneers to carry a $10,000 bond. It is not known what extent, if any, Morton's son, David, may have played in the consignor losses attributable to his father.
With that bit of history in the background, Mr. David Goldberg requested to be approved as an auction apprentice, with his sponsor being auctioneer Jerry Rosato, who accompanied Mr. Goldberg (along with David Goldberg's attorney, John Mezaraups) to the LALB meeting of November 15, 2011 for consideration of that application.
November 15, 2011:
LALB Meeting:
David Goldberg
apprentice application considered and debated.
9:40 - 10:14
Interestingly, enough Mr. Goldberg's sponsor,
auctioneer Jerry Rosato,
says he's "totally in the dark" about Mr.
Goldberg's previous problems.
March 19, 2012:
Mr. Goldberg appealed the denial of his apprentice application on March 19, 2012. The LALB's policy that it does NOT audio record administrative hearings (thus LAPA can provide no audio coverage). As if that's not bad enough, because there was a discussion of a stipulation agreement entailing New Orleans Auction Galleries' owner, Jean Vidos, that same day, Tessa Steinkamp, LALB Chairman, and who served as Vice President, Director, and Treasurer of NOAG up until 11 days before bankruptcy, in coordination with all LALB Members (with the exception of Hal McMillin) ordered a video blackout by denying the mere use of an electrical outlet as depicted below:
LALB Chairman Tessa Steinkamp and crew
VIDEO BLACKOUT at 3/19/12 LALB Meeting
Tempers flared during the appeal, but it's unfortunate LAPA can't provide video footage because of the obstructionists ways of the LALB as depicted above. At any rate, the LALB voted 7-0 to uphold its previous decision to deny Mr. Goldberg an apprentice license.
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