May 20, 2013 Louisiana Auctioneers
Licensing Board (LALB) Meeting Highlights
CLICK HERE to View LALB Financial Statements @ Time of Meeting
Auctioneer Barbara
Bonnette discusses her desire for the LALB to clamp down on Louisiana
real estate agents and brokers conducting online real
estate auctions with no auction license. The LALB seems quite
receptive to her requests and assures her they'll pursue having such folk
brought under the purview of the LALB
by attempting to require auction licenses for such
online auctions (including sealed bids).
Auctioneer Barbara
Bonnette discusses her frustration at the
Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle Commission (LUMVC)
requiring both a auto dealer's license and a
separately-issued auction license issued by them
in order to auction
automobiles. The LALB appears quite sympathetic to her complaint and
commits to do anything it can with the LUMVC to alleviate the situation.
LALB initiates a hard line
regarding the present criteria for obtaining an auction
apprentice license. LALB Vice Chairman
James Sims references a complaint by a
Louisiana female auctioneer" regarding auctions
being called with no auction license. The particular geographic
area referenced is the "state line area" to
include Bogalusa and New Orleans.
LALB attorney Anna Dow says she's
familiar" with Crossroad Auction in Mississippi.
Sims references auctioneers from "Mississippi and Alabama"
coming to Louisiana
conducting auctions with no Louisiana license. Board Members
James Sims and Hal McMillin
express a desire
to abolish the apprentice licensing route; however, Ms. Sims indicates that
likely won't be possible, so
the Board opts to begin the process to
lengthening the required period for a supervisor to be licensed before
sponsoring an apprentice from 1 year to 3 years.
Also, Selma Ray Mangham's apprentice
application is
DENIED based on the fact
that his
proposed sponsor, Belinda Rhodes (his sister), has only
been licensed since November 2012
and already serves as sponsoring auctioneer
for her son.
finds it ironic that Member Hal McMillin
would be so critical of Ms. Rhodes' lack of
given that, as evidenced by
the above audio clip of the 11/05/12 LALB Meeting, he has no
intention of reporting
an "auctioneer" operating with
no license because, "the guy is a reporter for the local paper and he will
me in his column.....this would
all come back to me!!" WOW!!
Talk about the epitome of hypocrisy!!
opts to go into Executive Session to discuss
the reciprocal license application of Alabama
auctioneer Barry Shackelford.
Executive Session requested due to Mr. Shackelford having purportedly
auctions in Louisiana with no Louisiana
auction license.
LALB exonerates Ken Buhler of all wrongdoing and lifts all restrictions from his auction license.
For the LALB meeting of May 20, 2013 in its entirety, CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE to return to the chronological master listing of LALB videos.